6 Ways to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season


Year after year, we make a promise to ourselves to eat healthier and work out regularly to avoid holiday weight gain. But with the busyness of the season, exercise often lands at the bottom of our to-do-lists.

After throwing caution to the wind, eating without thinking and skipping workouts, it’s no wonder there’s a gym rush in January. Everyone is trying to undo two months of damage.

Why not try a proactive approach this year? Here are six ways to stay in shape:


1.     Keep moving


Every little effort counts.  You may not always be able to get a full workout in, but something is better than nothing. Ditch the all or nothing mindset!


Even if it’s something as simple as walking for 30 minutes around the block, you will thank yourself later.


2.     Create a schedule and stick to it


Being prepared is half the battle. Come up with a workout routine that works for you. Customize it to your habits and lifestyle.


For example, if know your work day starts at 9am, set aside a half hour to an hour for morning cardio or yoga.


3.     Exercise early in the day


Get your workouts out of the way in the morning. Things pop up more often last minute during the holidays so you don’t want to get stuck missing workouts or having to say no to your friends. You can have both.


Fun fact: Studies show exercising in the morning improves your decision-making throughout the day!



4.     Indulge for a night, not for a season


Treats are called “treats” because they are meant for special occasions. Instead of using the holidays as an excuse to overeat all month, be selective about when you choose to indulge.


Stick to your normal healthy routine. That way, when a social event arises you can have your fun. 



5.     Prioritize sleep


It’s important to get plenty of rest so you have the energy to exercise and will be less likely to skip workouts.

Also, your body often confuses being tired with being hungry. Have you ever noticed that when you’re tired your appetite goes up? As it turns out, food smells are more enticing when you’re sleep-deprived.


That’s why, if you’re not getting enough shut-eye you may be unintentionally sabotaging your fitness efforts.

6.     Do more HIIT style workouts


Forget the long workouts. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are short, but get the job done. HIIT also targets multiple muscle groups, making it worth your while.

Research confirms the health benefits of HIIT. In fact, it’s the type of exercise that helps you make better eating choices.

While these tips will help you plan ahead and stay on track with your fitness goals, be realistic and remember the holidays are a time for celebration. Enjoy spending time with family and don’t be hard on yourself if you slip up!

Chris DiVecchio