Why Lifestyle Changes Beat Any Diet

There’s no denying the weight loss struggle is real. Every day it seems there’s a new diet or cleanse making the promise of fast results. Take this pill and the pounds will melt away! Drink this shake and watch your waistline shrink! If you’ve ever tried one of these fad diets or cleanses, then you know they aren’t effective.

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Chris DiVecchio
7 Cardio Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Nothing beats the runner’s high – that oh-so-satisfying feeling after a long run or intense cardio session. As one of the best ways to de-stress, I use cardio (along with strength training, of course!) to keep my mind and body strong. And while there are many advantages of cardio workouts, there are also many myths that may be causing you to self-sabotage your fitness goals.

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Chris DiVecchio
Stand Up Straight! Why Good Posture Matters

Posture is tied to your balance, which affects how you move, the way your weight is distributed, your form during exercise and more. The simple act of getting out of bed, walking to your car or picking up a box requires balance. Most of us have unconsciously developed our posture habits and imbalances from a young age.

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Chris DiVecchio
3 Supplements to Reduce Stress, Boost Immunity and Improve Your Overall Health

Ever feel like you have so much on your to-do list, but at the end of the day you didn’t get enough done? This is because being “busy” doesn’t mean you’re being productive.

Chances are the problem is how you’re managing your time. Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder. It requires a shift in focus from activities to results. Here are the top five benefits of improving your time management skill

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Chris DiVecchio
How to Identify Muscle Imbalances and Why it’s Important

What’s the most important thing to keep in mind when building a house? A strong and stable foundation. Carpenters know that if the weight isn’t distributed properly, the frame will eventually break down.

The human body is the same. For optimal function and movement, your muscles need to be balanced. If an opposing muscle is stronger than the other, it will cause an imbalance and over time, this imbalance can lead to injury.

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Chris DiVecchio
How to Have a Better Attitude Toward Fitness

It’s no secret that fitness is essential to living a happy, healthy life. So, if we know it’s important, why don’t we make it more of a priority?

The short answer: When something is too overwhelming, we shut down. In this case, when we look too far into the future at our fitness goals, we get stressed about all the steps we need to take. So, what do we do? Throw in the towel.

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Chris DiVecchio