Accepting a New Normal After Coronavirus

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For the past few months our world has been at a standstill. We’ve all been sitting on pause and now it’s time to press go. While it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it also comes with a new set of concerns.


How am I going to re-organize my routine? How will I adapt when I get back to the hustle? Won’t it be hard to go from zero to a hundred? And the list goes on.


Recovering from coronavirus requires a massive shift in mindset. Being out of your normal routine for such a long time means a great deal of re-adjusting. Here are five ways to make the transition as smooth as possible:


1.     Maintain the positive habits you’ve developed


During quarantine, you may have developed some valuable new habits. Whether it’s morning yoga, meditation, or cooking healthier meals, don’t let those habits fall by the wayside! Start by putting together a game plan that incorporates positive new activities into your everyday life.


2.     Don’t hesitate to get moving


Chances are you’ve been much less active during quarantine.  The virus likes to thrive on dormant immobile weak systems, so don’t sit on an impulse to move your body. Get back to the gym or get outside and exercise. Soak up more vitamin D to help keep your immune system strong.


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3.     Eat immune-boosting foods


To ease the pain of being stuck indoors, many of us fell back on comfort foods and Zoom happy hours. But the “vacation” is over and it’s important now more than ever to consider your food as medicine. Eat foods with high powered nutritious antioxidants that reduce inflammation and boost your immune system.


4.     Be smart about time management


Life is going to seem crazy as we get back to work and social activities. While the temptation will be there to say yes to every offer that comes your way, you will need to be smart about how you spend your time. If you spread yourself too thin, you’ll burn out.


5.     Get enough quality sleep


Do you notice that after a bad night’s sleep the next day everything seems worse than it really is? And after a good night’s sleep you feel like you’re on top of the world?


Sadly, sleep is something many people take for granted. But there’s no denying it plays a major role in your overall health and well-being. So, be sure to make it a priority!

Yes, we still have some tough times ahead. But we’re all in this together and by shifting your mindset, you’ll come out healthier and stronger on the other side.