How to Have a Better Attitude Toward Fitness


There’s no denying that exercise is vital for our overall health and wellbeing. So, if we know fitness is something we should prioritize why do so many of us struggle to follow through on our goals?

It’s because when we focus on the end goal, we quickly become overwhelmed thinking about everything that needs to happen in order to get there. This is what causes us to shut down and give up.

The good news is that fitness is just as much about your attitude as it is about taking action. Oftentimes, it’s our mindset that stops us from reaching our goals. When you can learn to reframe your perspective, you’ll be unstoppable.

It comes down to low-level versus high-level stakes. Low-level stakes are based solely on vanity. In other words, you work out because you want to look good in a bathing suit. High-level stakes, on the other hand, are wanting to be healthy in order to prevent disease and set a positive example for your children. Unlike low-level stakes where the workout feels like a punishment, high-level stakes make exercise feel like a daily habit that serves a higher purpose.

If you’re ready to start seeing real results, here are five ways you can change your attitude starting today:


1.     Ask yourself: What’s my why?

Challenges are inevitable, so it’s important that you have a powerful reason to keep going. Why is this goal important to you? If you have a strong why, it will allow you to overcome your fear.

High level stakes would be: “I want to be fit so I can live a long and healthy life. I want to be fit so I have the energy to play with my kids after work. I want to stop feeling tired and enjoy spending as much time as I can with them.”

2.     Visualize what you want

What type of person do you want to be? Paint a mental picture and get as specific as you can. Remember, this vision has to become important to you. Make it feel real.

This will help you have a better attitude, and in doing so, it will result in better behavior. Even on the days you’re feeling weak, your vision will propel you forward.


3.     Take action now

Do you know what happens the moment you hesitate? A stress signal is sent to your brain and then you find reasons not to follow through.

This is actually a survival mechanism since our brains are designed to protect us from danger. The problem is that our brains can’t tell the difference between a real threat and a psychological one. That’s why it’s up to you to take action before your brain gets in the driver’s seat and stops you.

4.     Make a list of small step-by-step goals

When it comes to getting fit, the secret to success is having a plan of action. For instance, if you want to lose 50 pounds, you can aim for a certain number you want to lose each week, each month and so on. Keep in mind, there are several factors that affect weight loss. Along with having a good workout plan, you need to be aware of your BMI, calorie intake and more. A personal trainer will take all of this into consideration.

As you reach each goal, not only will you feel stronger and more confident, you will also be motivated to keep moving forward.


5.     Keep track of your progress

The secret to staying motivated is to focus on your progress, not the outcome. Be proud of yourself as you achieve each goal. If you stumble along the way, don’t be discouraged. Remember it’s all part of the journey. You’ve got this!

Chris DiVecchio