Why Lifestyle Changes Beat Any Diet


There’s no denying the weight loss struggle is real. Every day it seems there’s a new diet or cleanse making the promise of fast results. Take this pill and the pounds will melt away! Drink this shake and watch your waistline shrink! If you’ve ever tried one of these fad diets or cleanses, then you know they aren’t effective.

Even if you lose weight initially, the pounds will slowly come back on. This is due to the fact that long-term weight loss isn’t a quick fix. It’s a process - one that requires commitment and a smart approach.

It’s important to understand that what you eat is only part of the equation. Lasting weight loss requires developing healthy habits and sticking to them.

To set yourself up for success, you should eliminate the word “diet” from your vocabulary. You won’t see results from dietary changes alone; you will see results from lifestyle changes.

Here’s where many people get it wrong: they make the assumption that one diet is superior to another. However, this is not the case. Changes in lifestyle, not diet are the key to weight management. Diets are often temporary and lack sustainability whereas a lifestyle change has a greater chance of long-lasting results.

Rather than asking: “what should I eat?” about yourself “how should I eat?” In other words, what habits can I develop that will help me reach my weight loss goals?


5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Try Today


1.     Control your environment


Oftentimes, poor food choices are the result of your environment. It sounds simple, but if it’s not in your face you won’t eat it.   

If you work late and don’t have the energy to cook when you get home, try setting aside time to meal prep on the weekends. By keeping your refrigerator full of nutritious options, you’ll be less likely to get takeout or snack on junk food. For example, if you like to have snacks during the day, make sure you always have fruits and nuts nearby. This will lower the temptation of going for the salty, sweet treats.


2.     Wake up early


This is one of the easiest ways to shed those extra pounds.

According to one study, the thinnest people weren’t the ones who ate better or exercised more often. They were simply exposed to bright light earlier in the day. It’s true!


Of course, you should still eat healthy and make smart food choices, but this is a great lifestyle tip to help you on your weight loss journey.

3.     Drink more water



While hydration is important for your overall health, it’s a crucial component for weight loss. Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so simply drinking a glass of water before each meal will help you eat less.

4.     Slow down when you eat

Many people don’t realize how fast they’re eating, and this ultimately, causes you to eat more. Did you know your eating habits are a reflection of your emotional state? For example, some people overeat when they’re stressed, others don’t eat at all, but whatever the case may be, the way you feel impacts the way you eat.

This is where eating mindfully comes in. The next time you sit down for a meal, slow down. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Ask yourself: “Am I eating this because I’m hungry or am I using it as a coping mechanism?”

A food diary can help you become aware of your eating habits and see areas that can use improvement.

5.     Be more mindful of your breathing



Never underestimate the power of your breath. If you live your life in fast forward mode and always on-the-go, you will benefit from deep breathing exercises. Becoming mindful of your breathing has a wide variety of benefits, weight loss included.

When you’re breathing, quiet your mind and set an intention. Be honest about your eating habits, your weaknesses and what you can do to create positive change.

Lifestyle changes create a strong positive feedback loop that ultimately circles back to healthier eating. Unlike a diet, creating a lifestyle change can be very exciting and that excitement can shift your entire mindset! Good luck and remember, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Chris DiVecchio